Educational Leaders

Do You Want To Improve Your School’s Literacy Performance?

We Deliver World-Class, Scientifically-Based English Literacy Courses Designed To Accelerate Your School’s Academic Results

Discover how we can help you today:

Results-Driven English Literacy Courses

As an educational leader, we know you’re constantly striving to improve your school’s performance, boost your academic results, enhance your teacher’s success and know that you have created a pathway for your students to become deep thinkers and analytical problem solvers.

And that’s exactly how we’ll help you:

For over 30 years, we’ve supported over 400 schools across Australia, New Zealand and Asia with our innovative methods of teaching English.

The Spalding method may be implemented across your whole curriculum – including pre-school to grade six, adult learners, learners with difficulties or non-english speaking backgrounds.

The method may be implemented in it’s entirety or gradually over a period of time offering flexibility in when you train your staff. And once trained, your staff will have a continuous, cohesive, and sequential model that can be taught throughout your whole school.

Contact us below & discover how we can help you:

Empowering Methods Of Teaching English

Our English literacy courses will equip your team with the skills to successfully & confidently teach all Language Arts.

Your staff will learn some of the world’s most unique & effective methods of teaching English – as you’ll discover below.

We adopt an ‘anywhere, anytime, in any circumstance, and for anyone’ approach.

This makes the program perfect for students of all levels: whether with lower, middle or upper capabilities.

From lesson planning to teaching key literacy skills, the Spalding Approach teaches educational professionals and leaders how to approach any learning difficulties, assess each student’s progress and how to advance through the learning/teaching process.

We also offer ongoing assistance with our Spalding Support Facebook Group. Here you’ll discover an open forum – where like minded professionals are able to freely share issues, ideas and breakthroughs.

The below table gives you an insight into how Spalding’s complete language arts program varies from other courses offered by other institutions.

Spalding’s ‘The Writing Road to Reading’ Course Similar Programs Offered by Other Institutions
A comprehensive English Literacy Course, with all skills integrated. One aspect of literacy is offered, with extra training and skills needed to integrate each element of the learning process.
Provides a sequential, systematic program with daily and weekly objectives and activities. Teachers and educational leaders have to interpret exactly what an objective means at each level and then decide which skills are required and how to teach that piece of knowledge.
All assessment tasks for each level of learning are provided. Throughout training teachers are given information regarding how the assessments correspond to Australian benchmarks Teachers are required to source their own assessments or if assessments are provided are unsure of how they relate to Australian standards.
Provides a diagnostic approach with guidelines and suggestions for dealing with difficult student cases. Often not diagnostic but relies on teacher judgements. Advice on how to interpret data is often minimal.
Outlines the  warning signs to look out for when students are struggling so they can be guided and supported before they have failed. Additionally suggestions are provided to address a student’s lack of progress. Many adopt a “wait to fail” approach where struggling students are not identified until they have failed at a particular skill
Provides a checklist to help teachers evaluate their performance. Not offered

Here’s How We’ll Support You

  • Results-driven English literacy courses designed to improve your academic results.
  • Time-tested, scientifically-based methods of teaching English.
  • Tap into over 30 years of experience supporting over 400 schools across Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
  • We’ll instil your staff with the confidence to teach sequentially and  successfully.
  • Once trained, your team will have a continuous, cohesive, and sequential model that may
    be taught throughout your whole school.
  • Our methods of teaching English are completely unique in the way they combine the teaching of literacy skills
    – and are designed to engage & support your students.

Improve Your School’s Academic Results

This is your opportunity to improve your school’s academic results, staff performance & student’s success.

Our courses will be increasing in price soon, so take advantage of a 50% discount when you sign up today.

Discover how our English literacy courses can help you below: